
As the demand grows to maintain more of your resident health records electronically. Our AmeraChart module can assist you in meeting these demands.

Our AmeraChart systems enables the nurses and nurse aids to electronically maintain their notes as well as chart their activities like ADL's, Vitals, Meal Percentages and more.

With built in integration to our Clinical Records module, establishes an easy and more effective means of maintaining electronic health records, Giving management the tools to monitor their resident's health condition so that they can see to their care needs.

Integration has also been developed with other specialty programs to help establish additional EHR solutions for our clients. Please refer to our Integrated Partners on other programs and systems that integrate with AmeraCare's modules to enhance your data management.

Today's difficult requirements demand easier to use systems like AmeraCare. Please Contact Us for more information.

Electronic Charting
Electronic Charting
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